#10 Jolly Ranchers

It is no wonder that these delicious treats are on the list for most popular candy. They come in 5 different flavors Green Apple, Cherry, Watermelon, Grape, and Blue Raspberry. 1,027,740 pounds of these sweet candies are purchased for Halloween each year.
#9 Tootsie Pops

What is better then just a sucker? Well a sucker with a tootsie pop stuck inside. It is estimated that a total of 1,043,743 pounds are sold for Halloween. Not to mention, the commercial that everyone knows, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop Mr. Owl?"
#8 Hershey's Mini Bars

These bars are the smaller cousin of the Hershey full size bar, but they still pack the full punch. The Hershey's bar is the classic American chocolate bar, and who could challenge with 1,088,273 pounds sold this season.
#7 Hot Tamales

If you like the thrill of heat then hot tamales are good for you. These small, red candies pack a big punch for their size and are very popular during Halloween selling over 1,433,630 million pounds.
#6 Candy Corn

You either love or hate candy corn, their is no in between. This easily recognizable candy with it's white, orange, and yellow stripes are the sole candy of the fall season. They are especially loved during Halloween selling a reported 1.5 million pounds.
#5 Starburst

This candy gives you a mouthful of fruity sensation when you take a bite out of it. Originally coming out in Britain in 1960 known as Opal Fruit, they are still a very popular candy. They sell 1,705,007 pounds are bought each year for halloween, hopefully they have some yellow left over.
#4 Reece's Cup

This is one of the most favorite candies on the market (sure is mine). This candy had a delicious peanut butter center with a nice milk chocolate exterior all in an easy to hold cup form. It is easy to see why 1,969,984 million pounds are sold for Halloween each year.
#3 Snicker

This popular candy bar in courses a whole variety of delicious ingredients including nougat, caramel, peanuts, and chocolate creating the tasty candy bar everyone adores. This almost makes the buyer want to hoard these treats for themselves on Halloween, but their is enough to go around with 2.2 million pounds sold.
#2 M&M's

Invented in 1941 these sweet treats have withstood the test of time. They have even created a whole variety of different flavors including peanut, caramel, crispy, and plane. They can be the perfect snack on the go with the chocolate protected by a colorful barrier. These treats sell 2,472,032 million pounds during the holiday season.
#1 Skittles

Topping the list at #1 is skittles being the most liked brand on Facebook, with over 23 million people loving these candies. The skittle come in variety of different flavors with the most popular being original. It is no wonder that these treats are the most popular selling over 3 million pounds, an estimated 3,487,101 pounds are sold during the Halloween season.
#2 M&M's from The 25 Most Popular Halloween Candies in America Gallery. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.thedailymeal.com/holidays/most-popular-halloween-candies-america-gallery/slide-25