1. Gummy Bear- The sweat, small, bear shaped candy was invented in 1922 by Hans Rlegel. He was born in Bonn and founded the candy company called Haribo an acronym meaning HAns Rlegel of Bonn. These multiple flavored candies were an immediate success for German candy lovers.
2. Contact Lenses- They were invented and made by German physiologist Adolf Eugen Fick. He first started by fitting animals with lenses and then made some for people. These lenses were made from heavy brown class and were between 18-21 meters in diameter. You can now see 6/10 people usually are wearing contacts.
3. Computer- The first computer had 3 logical units and 2,600 relays, the first fully functional, and programmable computer was used in 1941. It was called the electro mechanical binary calculator Z3. It was invented by Konrad Zuse a construction engineer from Berlin who hated doing math. This computer was huge compared to today’s standard of a small portable computer you can carry in your pocket.
4. Chip Card- The chip card has made everyday life easy from using it in phone card, credit card or patient card making important data packaged in small plastic. It was developed by Jurgen Dethloff and Helmut Gottrup in 1969. In 1977, Dethloff applied for a patent on a microprocessor card or smart card, which could be freely programmable. You can now find these designs in things such as your wallet credit card.
5. Book Printing- Designed by German craftsman and printer Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with movable type in 1450. This invention changed printing making it faster and more affordable. Printed materials such as the bible were made available for the masses and led to knowledge being easier attained.
6. Bicycle- The first bicycles were created independently by the French the Celeripede in 1816 and Baron Drais laufmachine in 1817. These were both foot powered wooden devises without pedals. His machine would be considered very uncomfortable in today’s standards, but it did make travel faster and easier.
7. Bacteriology- Robert Koch discovered that bacteria were the cause for the cause of a dangerous disease that was infecting livestock through Europe in the 1870’s. He was able to separate the bacillus which causes tuberculosis. With his discoveries, a new Branch of science was created bacteriology. Without this discovery antibiotics and bacteria epidemics wouldn’t be able to be created and controlled.
8. Automobile- The idea for a vehicle capable of having independent locomotion came to two German inventors. In 1886, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler made the first automobile. They had a motor driven tricycle with a motorized carriage. The first automobiles German’s didn’t like because they were too loud, fast, and dangerous. Eventually with some minor improvements people began to buy them and that created the billion-dollar car market we have today.
9. Aspirin- In 1897 the Bayer company created the first pain killer with minimum side effects. Aspirin is now the world’s most favorite medication for pain, fever, and inflammation. There are now 50,000 tons of aspirin produced annually and 12,000 tons are produced by Bayer.
10. Tape Recorder- It was developed in Germany in the 1930’s at the company BASF. This invention was based off of Fritz Pfeumers 1928 patent for paper tape with oxide powder on it. This would later lead to the easy sharing of audio files and music.
“How Are Gummy Bears Made?” Wonderopolis, wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-are-gummy-bears-made.
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Mottershead, Roanna. “10 Revolutionary Things Germans Gave the World.” Culture Trip, 28 Apr. 2017, theculturetrip.com/europe/germany/articles/10-revolutionary-things-germans-gave-the-world/.
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“The Jet Engine: A Historical Introduction.” Jet Engines, cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/ww2/projects/jet-airplanes/planes.html.
“When Were Contact Lenses Invented?” All About Vision, www.allaboutvision.com/contacts/faq/when-invented.htm.
“World's First Helicopter – Today in History: September 14.” Connecticut History | a CTHumanities Project, connecticuthistory.org/worlds-first-helicopter-today-in-history/.